12 cyber security questions to ask your CISO

Cyber security affects companies of all sizes in all sectors. Moreover, threats are constantly evolving and your legal and regulatory requirements have become major issues – particularly with the introduction of the the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and NIS Directive.

All of this means that regular communication between management and the board regarding cyber security is more important than ever. It’s only by discussing these issues regularly and in a formal environment that you can protect your sensitive data and company interests.

As you have probably seen, failure to do that could result in staggering financial penalties.

So how should you get started? The first thing to note is that cyber security is no longer something that your CIO handles alone. Your requirements must be placed front and centre in the boardroom. This is the only way that directors will understand cyber risks and what it means for their oversight responsibilities.

Armed with the right information, the board can play an essential role in preventing problems before they arise. 

Our team of experts have identified the top questions that you need to ask your chief information security officer, and compiled our advice in a free brochure.

Download 12 Cyber Security Questions to Ask Your CISO to discover:

  • All the questions you need to ask your CISO about cyber security.
  • How to make the case for improving your cyber security programme and budget.
  • Which key areas you should be investing in for improved data security.
  • How to implement a holistic cyber security programme.

A version of this blog was originally published on 11 January 2018.

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