Data security and the legal sector – ISO 27001 for law firms

With the legal sector reporting an increase in targeted attacks in 2018, information security management remains a serious issue for law firms. The confidential information and large volumes of client funds they hold are highly desirable to cyber criminals, so it’s not surprising that 60% of law firms reported that they suffered a security incident last year (PwC Law Firms’ Survey 2018).

With increased levels of cyber attacks, information security must be a priority. While a cyber criminal or terrorist organisation may be held off by firewalls and intrusion detection systems, these systems cannot manage the intricacies of business relationships or global trade. As such, a security regime focused solely on technology will fail.

Tackle cyber threats head on with ISO 27001

Leading law firms are implementing ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (ISO 27001), the international standard for information security, to tackle cyber threats head on. Management teams can safeguard their firm by employing a best-practice ISMS (information security management system) and certifying to ISO 27001.

ISO 27001 certification is increasingly demanded of law firms when tendering for major projects. Achieving accredited certification to ISO 27001 will put law firms in the running for these tenders and demonstrates that they are committed to protecting their clients’ confidential data, offering a powerful, visible assurance of their commitment to meeting obligations to clients and business partners.

In addition to severe fines, cyber security and data protection failures also risk seriously damaging a firm’s reputation. Having the correct measures in place will protect a firm’s credibility, minimise risk and maintain the level of trust that clients deserve.

Support with your ISO 27001 project

Whether you are just getting started, preparing a business case for ISO 27001, or your project is already underway, we encourage you to read our new green paper ISO 27001 for Law Firms. It outlines the benefits of ISO 27001 and stresses the importance of stringent data security in the legal sector.

For further support with your firm’s ISO 27001 project, complete an enquiry form to contact our experts or call our team on +44 (0)333 800 7000 to discuss your firm’s requirements.