Law firms report increase in staff-related security incidents

Staff can jeopardise a firm’s security with a single moment of carelessness. 2018 saw a significant rise in the number of law firms reporting security incidents concerning their own staff, up from 33% in 2017 to 46% in 2018 according to research by PwC. These incidents included the loss or leakage of confidential information, highlighting the need for better information security management within the legal sector.

Look closer to home – insider threats

Law firms may regard external cyber criminals as the key threat and be tempted to focus their resources on protecting against them, but it is also imperative to look closer to home.

Staff pose one of the biggest security threats, so firms should ensure that their employees receive appropriate training to prevent them making mistakes. Learning to recognise phishing emails is essential; while technology plays an important role, no spam filter is 100% effective, meaning your staff are the last line of defence.

Staff need to know how to respond if they mistakenly click a link in an email, including who to notify to escalate the issue and minimise the firm’s exposure. Combining this with a device-level backup process that prevents the spread of malware will ensure your firm has robust cyber resilience.

Get your firm on track with staff awareness training

Educate your employees on information security and cyber security with staff awareness training, which will teach them the basics of data security and how to deal with threats. Interactive e-learning courses are a cost-effective way to educate staff on key issues in a structured manner.

Train your team with e-learning from IT Governance

We offer e-learning courses on cyber security, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), appropriate use of Cc and Bcc in emails, secure social media use and how to spot phishing scams. These can be purchased off-the-shelf or customised to offer bespoke e-learning solutions to larger firms.

To find out more about our staff training solutions for the legal sector, complete an enquiry form to contact our experts or call our team on +44 (0)333 800 7000 to discuss your firm’s requirements.