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ISO 27001 controls – A guide to implementing and auditing, Second edition

ISO 27001 controls – A guide to implementing and auditing, Second edition

SKU: 5984
Authors: Bridget Kenyon
Publishers: ITGP
Format: e-book
ISBN13: 9781787784314
Pages: 275
Published: 25 Jun 2024
Availability: Pre-order
Format: ePub
ISBN13: 9781787784321
Pages: 275
Published: 25 Jun 2024
Availability: Pre-order

Ideal for information security managers, auditors, consultants and organisations preparing for ISO 27001:2022 certification.

The book covers the following:

  • Implementation guidance – what needs to be considered to fulfil the requirements of the controls from ISO/IEC 27001:2022, Annex A. This guidance is aligned with ISO/IEC 27002:2022, which gives advice on implementing the controls.
  • Auditing guidance – what should be checked, and how, when examining the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 controls to ensure that the implementation covers the ISMS control requirements.

This book is available for pre-order and is expected to be published in 25 June 2024. Orders will be fulfilled once the book is available.

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Price: £29.95

Following the success of the first edition, this book has been re-released to reflect the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and ISO/IEC 27002:2022 updates.

Ideal for information security managers, auditors, consultants and organisations preparing for ISO 27001:2022 certification, this book will help readers understand the requirements of an ISMS (information security management system) based on ISO 27001:2022. Similarly, for anyone involved in internal or external audits, the book includes the definitive requirements that auditors must address when certifying organisations to ISO 27001:2022.

The auditing guidance covers what evidence an auditor should look for to satisfy themselves that the requirement has been met. This guidance is useful for internal auditors and consultants, as well as information security managers and lead implementers as a means of confirming that their implementation and evidence to support it will be sufficient to pass an audit.

This guide is intended to be used by those involved in:

  • Designing, implementing and/or maintaining an ISMS;
  • Preparing for ISMS audits and assessments; or
  • Undertaking both internal and third-party ISMS audits and assessments.
About the author

Bridget Kenyon

Bridget Kenyon (CISSP®) is global CISO for Thales eSecurity. Her experience in information security started in 2000 with a role in network vulnerabilities at DERA, following which she has been a PCI Qualified Security Assessor, information security officer for Warwick University and head of information security for UCL, and has held a variety of roles in consultancy and academia.

Bridget has been contributing to international standards since 2006, when she joined BSI Panel 1, coordinating development of ISMS standards; she is currently editor for ISO/IEC 27014. Bridget has also co-authored three textbooks on information security. She strongly believes that “information security is fundamental to reliable business operations, not a nice-to-have”. In 2018, she was named one of the top 25 women in tech by UK publication PCR.

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